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Lost Lover

Lost Lover
Type Explore
Given By Lab Rat
Location Fort Narith
Rewards $6500
3x CT
1x SurKit
2000 Experience
200 Reputation


We have another missing local to find. I have been contacted by a young woman looking for her beloved boyfriend. He hasn't responded to her in a while, so she's worried that something bad might have happened to him. According to the information she gave me, the boy is supposed to be living on a farm near Savanpha village, east of the military base. His name is Atsawin Xiong.

I really hope we can bring her some good news. The sad stories we are uncovering here weigh heavily on me. What is and has been happening here is truly horrible, and it is largely ignored by the world.

Please find him or at least find out what happened to him. Good news would please not only her but also me.


Stage Description
1 Search in and around Fort Narith and uncover what happened to Atsawin Xiong


He was drafted into the army and sent to GZ? That is worrisome, but not completely desperate. There's still a chance that he could return fine... a slim chance, yet still a chance. I'll inform the young woman of your findings.

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